The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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Text File
487 lines
1. Introduction
2. Using PRISM as a Pop-Up
3. Automatic Color Progression Through the Spectrum
4. Increasing and Decreasing Different Color Components
5. Other On-Screen Features
6. Non-Resident Features
7. Color Codes
8. Pre-setting Colors in Batch Files
9. Saving Memory When PRISM is Memory Resident
10. Quick-Start (Installing PRISM)
11. Removing PRISM from Memory
12. Screen Blanking Programs (Screen-Savers)
13. System Requirements
14. Trademark Acknowledgements
Copyright August, 1990 by Aspire Software Red Oak, Texas
All Rights Reserved
PRISM is a text mode VGA color control program. (Most non-game
programs operate in text mode.) It is designed to add color to
your 'black and white' applications and variety to your 'color'
Applications operating in 'black and white' use two to four
'colors' whose palette consists of white, gray, dark gray and
black. Though this is very functional, it is not appealing.
'Color' applications are much more pleasing to use, and usually
utilize from two to six colors. But there are severe limitations
even in applications offering different color options and color
Generally, only 16 colors with 64 possible color combinations are
available in text mode. This is because only 16 colors can be
displayed simultaneously. Of those, only eight colors can appear
as background colors. And while 64 combinations may seem like a
lot, only a handful are pleasing to the eye.
Actually, 16 colors on any one screen is more than can be used
effectively. The real limitation is that, even if colors CAN be
selected in an application, they normally can only be selected
from the 'standard' palette, consisting of the 16 'standard'
colors. However, your VGA monitor and adapter are capable of
displaying many, many more colors. In fact, using PRISM, you can
change any on-screen color to any one of 262,000 other colors!
If you have a VGA monitor and adapter, PRISM WILL GIVE YOU ACCESS
TO 262,000 COLOR OPTIONS. And colors selected with PRISM are
effective not only while PRISM is operating, but continue in
effect in any text mode application you can run! Even if your
application sets the video mode to black and white, PRISM will
give you the color options you want! Now all your text-mode
color AND black-and-white applications can be set on fire with
bright fluorescent colors, or toned-down with tone-on-tone
Because so many colors are available, and because text mode
operations allow the display of only 16 colors at once, only the
color options in effect can be displayed. So YOU are responsible
for displaying the colors! But it is easy, because with PRISM
you can display and change colors on-the-fly, WHILE YOU ARE
RUNNING YOUR APPLICATIONS. Changing colors on-the-fly is one of
PRISM's fortes.
In fact, there is no guessing about how colors will appear in
your applications or how they will blend together, because YOUR
APPLICATION is used to display PRISM's color options! This is
done by 'popping-up' PRISM's Color Window on top of your
How does PRISM pop-up over your programs? PRISM is a 'memory
resident' program (TSR - Terminate, Stay Resident). It is
'loaded' before your other applications are run. This way, it is
available to change colors ANYTIME you want.
To load PRISM as memory resident, type 'PRISM /R' at the DOS
prompt of the drive/directory where the program files reside.
(See Quick Start towards the end of the manual for more help.)
At anytime after PRISM is loaded, press <Alt +> (hold the 'Alt'
key down and press the gray '+' key) to pop-up PRISM over your
other applications or the DOS prompt screen. A window will
appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Inside the win-
dow, PRISM will display all colors appearing on the current
screen. This can vary from one to 16 colors. Now it gets
Use the arrow keys to select a color 'swatch'. Then press <F7>
to toggle to 'CHANGE this color'. Now the arrow keys have
different functions. Up and down arrows cause the color swatch
to lighten or darken (and all like colors appearing on the
screen). Left and right arrow keys cause the color swatch to
proceed through the color spectrum. Held down long enough,
either the left or right key will carry you through the entire
spectrum again and again. (PRISM distinguishes between left and
right by traveling through the spectrum in opposite directions.)
Should your selected color swatch be white, black or a gray, the
left and right keys will have little or no effect. So in these
cases, let's add some color first. If the color is white, press
the down arrow to reduce its intensity to a dark gray or black.
Then, in any case, press and hold down the letter 'B'. Voila!
'B' is for blue!. Now try the left and right arrow keys!
If you have not done so yet, you may want to 'install' PRISM
using the Quick Start section of this manual. Afterwards you may
want to use 'SAMPLE.EXE' to make a screen 'backdrop' for experi-
menting with PRISM. Sample is a short program included on your
PRISM disk or diskette. Calling Sample will paint a number of
different 'standard' colors on the screen which you can modify
using PRISM as a pop-up. Just type SAMPLE at the drive/directory
where 'SAMPLE.EXE' resides, then press <Enter>. If PRISM is not
yet loaded as memory resident, load it now. Press <Alt +> to pop
it up. Then have at it!
If you want, PRISM will automatically move the selected color
swatch through the spectrum by pressing <F8>. To speed up the
progression, press <F10>. Use <F9> to slow it down. To stop the
progression, press <F8> again.
Here is another feature. Select a color (or create one using 'R'
(red), 'G' (green), or 'B' (blue). Then press <F8> to start the
automatic color progression. Use <F10> to speed it up so that
the color is changing rapidly. (This will dramatize the fea-
ture.) NOW, use the up and down arrow keys. The color swatch's
intensity will increase and decrease as its color is changing.
(Increasing and decreasing Red, Green and Blue color values)
You now know how to move around very quickly in PRISM. When you
reach (or pass) a color you want, press <F8> to stop the progres-
sion. Then, fine tune your choice with the arrow keys and the
letters 'R, G & B'. These increase the Red, Green and Blue color
values. To decrease any one of these values, simply hold down
<Alt> and press 'R, G or B'.
Other on-screen features are fairly self-explanatory. Below is a
key code covering several of the above features and several
others, too:
* <Enter> - SAVE color changes made and exit from PRISM.
* <Esc> - Exit from PRISM WITHOUT retaining any color
changes made.
┌──────┐ ┌──────┐
│ │ │ │
│ F1 │ Help │ F6 │ Set the color
│ │ │ │ swatch to brown
│──────│ │──────│
│ │ │ │ Toggle between 'SELECT
│ F2 │ Move the Color │ F7 │ color swatch and 'CHANGE
│ │ Window │ │ selected color'
│──────│ │──────│
│ │ Set colors to the │ │ Toggle on/off automatic
│ F3 │ standard colors │ F8 │ progression through the
│ │ │ │ color spectrum
│──────│ │──────│
│ │ Set colors to those │ │ Slow-down auto-
│ F4 │ in effect when PRISM │ F9 │ progression through
│ │ was popped-up │ │ the color spectrum
│──────│ │──────│
│ │ Set the color swatch │ │ Speed-up auto-
│ F5 │ to gray │ F10 │ progression
│ │ │ │
└──────┘ └──────┘
For quick on-screen help, press <F1> when PRISM is popped-up.
As you find pleasing color combinations, write down the eight
digit codes appearing in PRISM's Color Window. (Don't bother
with those that are followed by an 'S'. These are 'standard'
colors that don't need to be remembered.) These color codes may
be used in batch files to set colors automatically.
Besides operating as a 'pop-up' (memory resident), PRISM can be
given command codes to set pre-determined colors, and to reset
the colors (and color mapping) to the 'standard' colors. For
cursory guidance on PRISM command codes, type 'PRISM' at the
drive/directory prompt where the PRISM.EXE file is located. Af-
ter offering to print the Mini-Manual and the PRISM Registration
Form, the various command code options will be displayed.
The non-resident features are each exercised using command line
codes with the call to PRISM such as:
C:\>prism scm (then press <Enter>)
Whether PRISM is currently memory resident or not, the non-
resident features work the same.
When operating PRISM in its popped-up mode, an eight-digit number
code appears towards the bottom of the Color Window. This code
has a specific meaning. The eight numbers should be viewed as
four pairs of two numbers each. Each pair of numbers can range
from 0 to 63, representing:
Pair One: The color register number.
Pair Two: The Red color value.
Pair Three: The Green color value.
Pair Four: The Blue color value.
An 'S' may follow the code. When it does, this signifies that,
for the displayed color register, the red, green and blue color
values are 'standard'. For that particular color register, the
value is the same as when you first turned-on your computer.
Color codes can help you understand PRISM's progression through
the color spectrum and other aspects about color control. But
the best use of color codes is in pre-setting colors using batch
Here are some interesting colors and color combinations:
Group 1 Group 2
-------------------- ---------------------
Salmon 634343 Sand Dollar 434540
Dusky Blue 153037 Sooty Green 002324
Sooty Black 001522 Yellow Ivory 636251
Dark Salmon 513131 Dark Teal 114540
Burnt Orange 552723
Group 3 Group 4
-------------------- ---------------------
Dark Burgundy 240401 Forest Green 012111
Tan Salmon 634134 Tan 594632
Orange-Red 621821 Dark Green 153400
Reddish-Brown 351717 Clean Green 073409
Dusty Aqua 043635 Warm Ivory 464638
To prepare for using batch files, and to give you an appreciation
of the non-resident use of PRISM, type the following at the
drive/directory where PRISM resides: (This example assumes PRISM
resides on Drive C, Directory 'PRISM'.)
C:\PRISM>prism 00635012 (then press <Enter>)
Now let's try:
C:\PRISM>prism 07636363 00006300 (then press <Enter>)
Ready to reset the colors?:
C:\PRISM>prism /sc (then press <Enter>)
By using these commands in '.BAT' (batch) files, you can pre-set
the colors before starting your applications and reset them to
the 'standard' colors when done.
Batch files are ASCII-based files whose file names end in the
extension '.BAT'. The file name, exclusive of the extension, can
be typed at the drive/directory where the file resides, with the
result that the commands included IN the file will be performed.
For instance, using edlin, or any text file editor, you can
create a file named 'TRYIT.BAT' that contains these lines:
echo off
C:\PRISM\prism sc
C:\PRISM\prism 07316356 00003428
C:\PRISM\prism sc
Assuming this file is in the root directory of Drive C, you can
'run' it by typing:
C:\tryit (then press <Enter>)
The screen colors will first be reset to 'standard', then changed
to a tone-on-tone sea-green, then the DOS command, 'dir' will
display a directory. The pause command will temporarily stop the
batch file commands from proceeding. Press a key to continue and
the last command, 'prism /sc' will reset the colors to
If you had used an application call to one of your applications
(such as 'q' for Quattro Pro) and removed 'dir' and 'pause',
rather than a directory listing, Quattro Pro would have operated
with its light gray and black colors changed to two shades of sea
To use batch files properly, first use PRISM as a pop-up. Ex-
periment with colors until you find a combination of colors you
really like. (This takes a little developed skill in some
cases.) Then, with PRISM in the 'SELECT Color Swatch' mode, move
the swatch frame from color to color. Write down the code for
each swatch whose code is not followed by an 'S'. ('S' codes
represent 'standard' colors which don't need to be set.)
Finally, create a batch file similar to the above example, but
insert YOUR color codes. (Though a call with two to four color
codes are most common, PRISM can handle 13 series of such codes.
13 is a DOS command-line limitation.) Then remove 'dir' and
'pause' and insert the application call for your program.
PRISM uses approximately 90K of your random access memory when
running in its normal Resident mode (the /R command code). This
can be reduced to 6K by running it using the Resident Swapping
mode (the /RS command code).
In the swapping mode, all PRISM features are fully functional,
but pop-up time increases slightly. Also, the swapping mode will
require about 200K of disk space in the drive/directory where the
PRISM.EXE file resides.
10. QUICK-START (Installing PRISM)
PRISM does not use an installation program. Though its functions
cover quite a bit of territory, the program files are not very
large. In fact, you only need the 'PRISM.EXE' file to operate
PRISM. However, the 'REGISTER.FRM' and 'MANUAL.DOC' files that
accompany PRISM are important. Another executable file called
'SAMPLE.EXE' is also included for use in providing a screen
backdrop for experimenting with PRISM.
PRISM may be run from any disk or hard drive. However, it will
start faster from a hard drive. You can start PRISM with the
PRISM program files in the default drive/directory or it can be
started the pathname (the path where the program files reside
with the program name). For instance, if PRISM resides on the
'A' drive, you can start it from the 'C' drive: C:\>a:prism /r.
operate fine on a floppy or diskette drive, but it will pop-up
very slowly!
To 'install' PRISM, simply copy the file(s) to a hard drive. We
believe in good housekeeping, so we recommend you first make a
directory for PRISM and change to that directory. For example:
C:\>md prism (then press <Enter>) (makes the directory)
C:\>cd prism (then press <Enter>) (changes to the directory)
Now copy the files. For example, insert the PRISM program disk
or diskette in Drive A (any appropriate drive is fine). Assuming
the 'A' drive is used and you are copying to 'C' Drive, type
'copy a:*.* c:':
C:\PRISM>copy a:*.* c:
That's it! You are done! Now, to get started, type 'PRISM'.
This will not load PRISM memory resident, but will give you
directions to proceed.
NOTE: To disable the preamble, 'Do you want to print a Regis-
tration Form?', that appears whenever PRISM is started,
you must register PRISM. Your new copy will exclude this
feature. If you register by phone, you may call technical
support and we will give you over-the-phone instructions
for disabling the registration offer message.
To UNload PRISM when it is memory-resident, pop it up and then
press <Alt F10>.
BE CAREFUL: PRISM checks to see if it is safe to remove itself
from memory without disturbing other applications.
If PRISM thinks it is not safe, it will display a
message, then continue in memory. HOWEVER, some
applications are 'ill-behaved'. In such cases PRISM
will unload itself and the underlying application
may continue to run properly. But after exiting
from the underlying application, your computer can
'crash'. While this is not dangerous to your compu-
ter, it can result in lost data and is always
This is easily avoided, though. Simply unload PRISM only when at
a DOS prompt (such as C:\>). Or don't unload it at all!
Another reason for not unloading PRISM while running another
application is that the memory freed-up is not usually usable by
other programs until they are terminated and re-loaded them-
selves. So, little is gained by unloading 'PRISM' while running
other applications.
Should you have trouble unloading PRISM at the DOS prompt, it may
be due to another memory resident program loaded after PRISM was
loaded. This sort of problem is inherent in TSR's.
Remember, it is safest to unload PRISM when popped-up at the DOS
Programs that 'blank' the video screen after a pre-set period of
time are sometimes called screen-savers. The idea is that, by
making the screen blank when a workstation is left unattended,
the display is not allowed to 'burn' a permanent image on the
When using PRISM, should you change the color Black to another
color, that color may fill the screen if a screen-saver 'blanks'
the screen. Whether it does or not depends on the method the
screen-saver uses to 'blank' the screen.
Currently, PRISM operates only with text mode programs. Also,
because of certain limitations of CGA and EGA systems, PRISM
requires VGA or PGC monitors and adapters. MS- or PC-DOS 3.1 or
later versions are recommended.
Quattro is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc.
We hope you enjoy using PRISM
as much as we enjoyed writing it!